Saturday, 30 April 2011

session 20

in the final sessions we have to have everything completed and edited with all the music, sound effects and working titles and credits. kristie had troubles editing the movie so i took over and added all the other elements of the movie. lewis had created the soundtrack but it did not fit in time with the movie so i had to export the song again after modifying it to work with the movie. i also had to add more sound effects to make the movie more effective.

session 18 and 19

in these two session i had to put the finishing touches to the rest of the short film. i managed to create all the shots and actions with great success. the only troubles i had in creating the dance shots was that the characters did not function the way i wanted whilst dancing, as a result to that i managed to make them all dance very well but i could not add any complex dance routines, i just had to choose one dance gesture and put it on loop throughout the shots.
kristie came up with the idea to to have a dancing skeleton whilst the credits rolled which lewis and i found would thought would work very well. so she spent the session creating that as well the credits.

session 16 and 17

in this session i had to transfer the first part of the movie onto kristies laptop to be edited. i started of by going to edit view in moviestorm and i had to add all the clips onto a timeline, i then had to export and render every clip. i also chose what resolution the film is going to be viewed in.
once every clip was rendered, using a hardrive i transfered it onto the final cut program on kristies laptop.

session 13, 14 and 15

in these sessions i am still working on moviestorm creating all the shots, i am a lot more confident now with how the software works and now i can manage everything the group and i wanted to acheive from what i designed on the storyboard.

in the last session i had completed every action and for the first section of the movie, i also finished every shot in the camera work view and my gorup and i think it looks amazing, we are all very proud with what i acheived. we need to now transfer the movie onto another laptop to be editied. i will then start work on the rest of the movie and hopefully get it finished.

session 12

this session is the start of me creating our short movie in moviestorm. we had to get all the sections my group made on their individual laptops and transfer it onto my computer as mine is the main computir where i will make everything. as my gorup was first to finish, we were first to try transfering everything from one laptop ton another. we found it very challening i had my techer help me. i found at the beggining creating the action and shots in moviestorm to be very challeging and i had thoughts that i would not manage what we wanted to acheive as i thought it would be to difficult.
after having disussions with my group and my teacher, i decided to give it another go and then i managed to start creating the film. i started by using very simple and basic actions such as making a charcter move. i would hopefully like to acheive to do more challenging actions and hopefuly get the shots we want.

session 10 and 11

in these two sessions we wanted to acheive starting to create our short film in moviestorm. we started of by completing our treatment. we also decided on what our production roles should be.
my role is to be the director and create everything in moviestorm.
kristies role is to be in charge of editing and designing the titles and credits.
lewis is in charge of making our soundtrack for the film and finding all the sound effects we need to use.

session 8 and 9

in these two sessions, kristie was off absent. i had a meeting with lewis and then i started drwaing our storyboard for our short film 'Midnight hour' in this isession as well i also created the shot lists where i wrote the name of each shot and what happens as well as the camera angles used.

session 6 and 7

In session 6+7 we started to decide what out 9 key frames would be in our moviestorm project kristie and Lewis drew the 9 key frames as i was absent. they drew them on post it notes so then we could stick them onto the story board sheets.

session 4 and 5

In session 4+5 we did a project proposal/treatment where we got given a template to type in a project proposal of our moviestorm project. There are different sections of the project proposal where we decided what our working title will be. Then we would write the project proposal saying what the film is about. I also said what the target audience would be and our roles we each got given in our group. I also mentioned what equipment we would need to create our moviestorm short film. i also carried on working on our characters for our film.

session 2 and 3

In session 2 we created a script. We had a team meeting and have decided to call our Moviestorm movie "Midnight Hour" and we went through the story of our movie and wrote it in the script.
In session 3 we started to create our essay "Compare and analyse two moving image products" we got given a grid where we wrote the two different moving image products and wrote different idea's that we then would put onto our essay. We had to write the purpose, target audience, narrative structure, content & elements, production team & resources, strengths & weaknesses & summary.

session 1

In the first session we had, we had our first meeting as a group and have decided what roles that we would be each be doing. I will be creating al the charcters which will be in the film. kristie is the sound editor creative the music and the sound effects and she is going to be the script/dialogue role, but we have decided that we will not need this role because we do not have any dialogue in our short film. Lewis will be creative the setting. After having a discussion about what role we are going to be we could start creating out short film.